Saturday, March 14, 2009

Chapter 4- Be So Good They Can't Igonre You

"Life is always fair in the end. Trust it"

"You do not merely want to be the best of the best. You want to be considered the only ones who do what you do."

"Get good or get out."

Being so good not only on people and on what you do too. Mostly, it can make the people
around you that can't ignore you. I'm wondering that what if there have no any returns for being
good all the way, so that's no point for being good anymore. One word only answers my question--
Trust!!! It depends on how much you trust it, once you don't trust, you will give up or stop it. For 
sure that's an important mindset, an additional suggestion for that is to do in a smart way- "change".
Don't give up but change the way you do. 
"Get good or get out"- I like it so creates a very strong spirit for me to move forward.

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