Thursday, August 13, 2009

Brilliant Words

Something just inspired me just like enlighten my another side of world!!!

"Answers are about the past, ABILITIES ARE ABOUT THE FUTURE."

These brilliant words are taken from Robert T. Kiyosaki's book calls Increase Your Financial IQ.

I always want to get answers for problems, but he changed my mind that once you get the answer, do you have the ability to solve the current problems and next coming problems. However, I don't mean that answer is not important just like money isn't the most important in our life. We still need answers for certain problems and ability helps us to move forward and even faster. Ability, it can be strengthen and improved to solve higher levels of problems. The problems could be finance, relationship, social connection, businesses and others.

ABILITIES, it's forever power, mental or physical to do something in life...

He really enlightens my another side of world...enlightens my life as well.