Saturday, March 14, 2009

Chapter 4- Be So Good They Can't Igonre You

"Life is always fair in the end. Trust it"

"You do not merely want to be the best of the best. You want to be considered the only ones who do what you do."

"Get good or get out."

Being so good not only on people and on what you do too. Mostly, it can make the people
around you that can't ignore you. I'm wondering that what if there have no any returns for being
good all the way, so that's no point for being good anymore. One word only answers my question--
Trust!!! It depends on how much you trust it, once you don't trust, you will give up or stop it. For 
sure that's an important mindset, an additional suggestion for that is to do in a smart way- "change".
Don't give up but change the way you do. 
"Get good or get out"- I like it so creates a very strong spirit for me to move forward.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Chapter 3- Power of Simple

"Success will come from simplicity."

As the title shown, the power of simple, apparently, to simplify something complicated...any option for that?? I'm confuse about one word "simple", although i already knew that u break the rule of simplicity because i keep thinking about how to make sth simple or how to think in a simple way...

In the end, i gave up to think about this question, and started flow my mind...and doing nothing at home, just because i was stuck on half way doing assignment...perhaps it can bring me the answer...

Today seems so unproductive....did i still gain sth simple today?? At least one word "simple"...I still gain...!!! Get it?!?

Monday, March 9, 2009

Chapter 2- Invisible Fences

"As we grow up, we adopt negative beliefs and false assumptions and sabotaging fears from the world around us. These become our Invisible Fences."
This chapter is about the limits in our life which we already learned from our parents, older generations and others, plus we believe that it is true. And I don't mean that what our parents have been teaching are wrong, just that there is no such thing perfect in the world. How much we are able to exert our creativity and abilities may depend on how we set our mindset, mindset will determine what we learn and how much we have absorpted. In addition, prior experience will affect what we learn in the future. 

Invisible Fences- Imaginary Boundary which  we believe it's real.  For example, your mindset is that getting higher result in order to get a steady well-paid job, so you may less likely to take risk to make more money or you think that your current job is more than enough for your life. Therefore, you may lose a chance to learn to manage the risk. As what we are taught in our childhood, traditional families often ask their offsprings to study hard and get a safety job and this concept keep copying to subsequent generations. Maybe it is the reason why poor become poorer and rich become richer....mindset!!!

Take a change and face it and befriend with them then you will transcend the fences. What you resist will do you think???

Actually, I'm quite sleepy....and seriously i don't know what I'm writting you know...take a change to sleep early^^ haha

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Chapter 1- To Be The Best You

"There will never be a better time to be the best you than today." 

"It is better by noble boldness to run a risk of being subject to half of the evils we anticipate than to remain cowardly listnessless for fear of what happen." 

What do you see and understand from these two sentences?? I believe that different individuals have different points of view. In fact, I grabbed it from a book which I bought in the afternoon in Borders, named The Greatness Guide. It has inspired me when I was in not so good status...just like it is one of the keys for the lock and it opened my mind. Recently, I kept thinking that why I keep losing something when I get something like get nothing when I put effort...isnt it enough? Since I lost my laptop and my spec...and irreplacable, I just pay the debts by earning money myself. Till now, this book is my key, I promise myself that I read one chapter per day and this is the 1st chapter I have read^^

Although every chapter has average 2 pages, it is meaningful enough to brighten your every steps you take.
"There will never a better time to be the best you than today" reminds me I have to stop my old style thinking and it's the time to pump up myself to move forward. Otherwise, when will be the better time but also reminds me that some of the people keep waiting timing and when is the timing (mostly don't know) now is a better time to move firmly. 
"It is better by noble boldness to run a risk of being subject to half of the evils we anticipate than to remain cowardly listnessless for fear of what happen" encourages me to face the fear especially in relationship, noble boldness to run the risk...I swear to move my 1st step, just one step, it's more than enough...once you move your 1st step, second step will be continued yourself and trust yourself!!!